New arrivals (Books) in Bhagini Nivedita Library at Vivekananda Kendra, Nabha Estate, Shimla-4 during July-Aug 2012.
- "Samartha Bharat" by Vivekananda Kendra Prakashan
- "आस्था की विजय", लेखक : नरेन्द्र सहगल, सुरुचि प्रकाशन
- "परमाणु ऊर्जा", लेखक : राकेश भारद्वाज, पोप्युलर एदुचतिओन एण्ड एकशन सेंटर (पीस)
- "नया नियम", गिडियन्स इन्टरनेशनल
- "Convenient Action" by Narendra Modi, Macmillan Publications India Ltd.
- "Swami Abhedananda - A SPiritual Biography" by Moni Bagchi, Ramkrishna Vedanta Matha, Culcutta.
- "My Life Story" by Swami Abhedananda, Ramkrishna Vedanta Matha, Culcutta.
- "Epistles" by Swami Abhedananda, Ramkrishna Vedanta Matha, Culcutta.
- "The Wonderland - Himachal Pradesh" by Jag Mohan Baokhra, H.G.Publications(India).
- "Sri Sri Bijoy Krishna Goswami" by Das Brajeswarananda, Sri Sri Bijoy Krishna Bhakta Sammilari.
- "मेरी क्रान्तिकारी योजना", लेखक: स्वामी विवेकानन्द, विवेकनन्द केन्द्र हिन्दी प्रकाशन विभाग
- "गर्दन, कंधे का दर्द - यौगिक, प्राकृतिक एवं घरेलु उपचार", लेखक : श्रेयांशकुमार जैन, इन्द्रमाया प्रकाशन
- "बवासीर - यौगिक वं घरेलु उपचार", लेखक : श्रेयांशकुमार जैन, इन्द्रमाया प्रकाशन
Bhagini Nivedita Library is run & manage by Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari Shimla Branch. This is free public library with reading room with more then 3000 books in Hindi, Sanskrit & English. Range starting from old Hindu Scriptures "Veda" to latest scientific & General knowledge monthly magazine Safari.
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जवाब देंहटाएं