Vivekananda Kendra Shimla Branch organized two days Swami Vivekananda Gaudhdhik Pratiyogia having theme - Know Your Self
First phase : Book base examination on - Life and Teachings of Swami Vivekananda on 2nd sept. 62 students from various depart of HPU, Kotsera, Sanjoli and RKMV college.
Second phase : 4:30 hours Special orientation workshop having group discussion and presentation on subject like Indian culture, modernization, Power of youth and purpose of life. Songs, drama and Yogasana are the part of workshop. : 54 students from various Dept. of Himachal Pradesh University, Govt Degree COllege, Kotsera, Govt Degree College, Sanjauli and Rajkiya Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (RKMV) college.
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