शुक्रवार, 26 अक्टूबर 2012

Camps at Kanyakumari

Vivekananda Kendra conducted two camps "Bharat Jago! Vishwa Jagao!!" - "भारत जागो! विश्व जगाओ!!" of 4 days each,  at Kanyakumari as preparation to celebrate Swami Vivekananda’s 150th year of Birth – Sardh Shati. About 1500 volunteer’s from 26 states and Union Territories  participated in these camps. More details can be seen on Vivekananda Kendra web site : http://www.vivekanandakendra.org and Celebration website of Swami VIvekananda 150th Birth Anniversary website : http://www.vivekananda150jayanti.org

From Shimla Branch, 3 volunteers participated in the camps at Kanyakumari. This is also one of the reason why our blog was not updated since last one month :) 

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